You're Not Alone – Advice from a Seasoned Fitness Trainer

“Breathe. You’re almost there.”

“Yes, yes,” she says.

“Good job,” I say. 

A few moments pass and I whisper, “Breathe.”

“Yes” she says quietly. “I forgot.”

The idea for this post came up during a training session with a long time client. She was frustrated at needing reminders, but I reassured her that she’s not alone. I do, on a regular basis, say something about each and every one of the following behaviours throughout my training days ….more than once.

“Shoulders down. Are you wearing your shoulders as earrings?” Almost everyone does raise their shoulders a lot but that’s why you have a trainer - we are your mirror.

How about clenched hands? This is not an easy one to correct but really common. “Relax your hands!”

 And, here’s another one: excessive chatting. I know you want to be social or distracted from the task at hand. But here’s some seasoned trainer advice  - take the opportunity to focus on proper form (including where your eyes are) for each repetition. It’s good for reducing the negative stress in your life. Then, chat during your cardio interval. It will get your heart rate up. Perfect.

 Last but not least, whining – really only works with some cheese and crackers for the holidays and then it’s spelled differently. You will thank me for my “I don’t care what you think” attitude when you complete your first set of planks, your first recreational hike, travel adventure or  ______________ . You fill in the blank.

Let me know what behaviours frustrate you while exercising. We’d appreciate hearing what stands in your way and it can be shared in the next post. You’re not alone.

Below is me breathing deeply.
