An Idea is Born

Preparing to launch LITE SQUARED ™ has happened during COVID-19. As the world is reflecting on a number of different things, it's given me a chance to reflect on the different stages of my career. Along with this, I’ve thought about the programs and initiatives that I've worked on since the early '80s. 

In reflecting, I see the similarities between In Grand Form and LITE SQUARED TM. I thought to take a moment to track some of that history.


I took an aerobic dance workshop and really, really liked it. 

February 1981

I taught my first aerobics class to 90 participants in a church gym on the North Shore in Vancouver, BC. It became 'painfully' apparent to me that the current exercise class format needed a refresh button. The industry needed exercise to be available for participants, a parent like me, along with designing programs to attract 80% of the population who didn't exercise.

September 1985

In Grand Form began as a total body conditioning class for size plus or plus size adults.  In a word, me. Exercise needed to be do-able no matter what your age or size. There had to be options and an opportunity to work toward higher intensity. You needed to exercise when you had time. Videos, both VHS and BETA, were gaining popularity. An idea was born. Who could work out using a book? 

September 1986

The first In Grand Form video offered a low impact aerobics workout featuring three levels of intensity. The fitness world was changing, but 'no pain no gain' and 'high intensity' as the only workout options were still all the rage. We became a small quiet hit. Exercise options were here to stay.

Fast forward to February 2018

LITE SQUARED started as an idea to develop a mindful movement gym program with a focus on form. A low impact, moderate intensity workout for participants who exercised a lot and needed a recovery workout for tired and sore muscles; those returning to exercise; those looking for a new way of exercising with a focus on injury prevention or someone needing to leave each class feeling strong and refreshed.

This time I would use the team approach to bring the idea to light. The first fitness person I talked to about LITE SQUARED was Sandy Reimer, executive director of the YWCA, a fitness trainer, and a friend. We met first for coffee to see if she was interested. We set up playdates to develop an exercise template. We began to meet every Thursday at 2:00 pm in February. The vision started to take shape, and because of the emphasis on the form along with function, Sandy suggested Dylan Kay  |

On March 24th, the three of us were talking about the format when there was this ah-ha moment. Both Sandy and Dylan got it - one or two trainers leading and guiding 6 to 8 participants through each exercise. The How and Why part made the workout experience unique. I glanced at the clock. It was 4 pm, almost to the minute on the anniversary of my late husband's passing. It was a powerful moment, 

Sandy then said that she needed to move on. I asked Dylan if he wanted to join me in taking LITE SQUARED forward, and he enthusiastically said, "Yes."

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September 2018

The first group training session was a success! We asked for feedback. See more at 

Rewind... January 1987 to January 2018

I was lucky to live with a man who supported my need to work at something I loved and to also be part of a strong, functional family unit.    A lot happened during this time personally and with both In Grand Form and then Jody's Fitness. Take a look at 

May 2020

As the world changed, so did our launch date. The new Plan A is to prepare both online workouts for participants and offer training workshops for continuing education credits for personal trainers, group fitness leaders, and other health care professionals wanting to run fitness classes and/or group training programs.  

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June 2020

Our industry is adapting quickly to our new fitness normal. Love technology.

Stay tuned. Be kind to yourself and others, and play it safe.